
01 August 2024

WhatsApp tests file sharing without internet feature

It has been reported that WhatsApp, the messaging app owned by Meta, is working on a feature that will let users share data with other nearby cellphones, including documents, images, videos, and more, even when there isn't an internet connection.

This feature is similar to the iPhone's AirDrop feature. It was first observed in the April 2024 Android Beta version of WhatsApp.

Now called "nearby share," the functionality that allows file sharing without an internet connection is being tested in the iOS beta. Those without internet connection, especially those who reside in areas with spotty coverage, will find this to be very beneficial.

People no longer have to worry about whether or not the internet is accessible in order to share files with friends, family, or coworkers.

It will work a bit different on iPhones than it will on Android devices

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