
04 August 2024

"Machines vs Humans: The Ultimate Showdown"


 Humans control the entire globe. They own their own fate. Absolutely no other creature, physically, mentally stronger than them, has challenged their complete dominance over the globe.

The theory is that they are more knowledgeable than any other creature. Their expertise serves as the most crucial aspect of their authority.

Struggling with fatal illnesses, they created medicines, and in order to make their lives easier, they built infrastructure and devised technology such as the motorcycle, vehicle, train, and airplane.

"None of their creations have threatened Homo Sapiens' full dominion."


Now imagine another species, organic or inorganic, which is a thousand times more  important than humans. It has performed tasks at a  rapid-fire pace and is on track to replace people with algorithms and robots.   In recent times, artificial intelligence – human being’s  concoction – has created so  important space in the workspace that now it's acting as a implicit challenge to the supremacy of humans. Before arguing whether AI can beat humans, it's  material to  talk over the growing  part of machines in the workspace  formerly allowed  of as belonging only to humans.

"Unleashing the Boundless Growth of AI"

This is  authentically recent information from the Atlantic in which it claimed that 183,000 books were employed by generative AI systems without asking for authors’  authorization. The likes of Meta, Bloomberg and OpenAI  use these books to instruct their algorithms on how to compose like an Elif Shafak or aJ.K. Rowling would do so. 

"In the future, you might read a book by a famous author and not be able to tell if it was created by AI."

The launching of ‘ AI- enabled deceitful pictures’ is  honestly  important trickier as so  numerous people wind up being taken in. numerous  individualities assume in that AI- made visages  retain lesser confidence compared to organic bones according to the inquiry of PNAS – a journal of  wisdom. 

"Can AI Surpass Human Intelligence?"

At this time, artificial intelligence appears to be unequipped for stoppage. It is making strides to exceed mankind in different fields. It has even surpassed humanity in different sectors. However, is it really capable of defeating its creators? In a word: Nope, it won’t ever pass humans.

Nevertheless, in spite of the unexampled technological dexterity displayed by artificial intelligence, a range of reasons ensure that human beings have an upper hand over them:

For  instance, these advanced algorithms are designed by humans in the first place. These AI driven systems are quick but warrant any creativity like that of  mortal  study processes. They only comprehend what they're fed with.  

It's true that IBM's computer ‘ Deep Blue’  outwitted a reigning world chess champion in 1997. But who made that program? That system was created by ‘ Murray Campbell’ and ‘ Feng- Hsiung Hsu’ and to my knowledge they're both still alive  mortal beings. 

The  mortal beings’  competency to  suppose, plan and  introduce a new tool differentiates them from AI. Computers can do a lot of  effects well, but creativity  is not one of them.

Machines would not be  suitable to compare with humans in this regard because they can perform several tasks  coincidently.  Contrarily, a machine specifically created to manage one task does it at a time.   Hypertensive and advanced,  Deep Stack is  artificial intelligence software used in poker play. In 2016, it triumphed over its  mortal rival by a wide  periphery.  Nonetheless, this AI can not play any other games or  take over any other duties since it  is not  programed for them.   On the  negative,  mortal beings have multiple  liabilities that they execute in  colorful ways. Not only can they learn while working but also switch careers if need  to be depending on their preferences.

In so  important that AI seems to be  indefectible in its undertakings, there are those who believe it'll  relieve people with time. nonetheless, this isn’t always true.   A case in point is the  exploration done by STAT – a biotechnology trailblazer; this was backed up in 2018 when IBM’s Watson Supercomputer recommended ‘ unsafe and incorrect cancer treatments’. 

Furthermore, sympathy and benevolence are only attributes of humanity. When a situation emerges, one cannot expect 'Siri' to have any sentiments. They genuinely talk to one another.   Being emotionally intelligent is a whole distinct subject that focuses on an individual's ability to celebrate not just his own but also the passions of others.   Only machines that were originally built for comparable reasons are suitable campaigners for wielding influence over mortal humans' songs of affection or gashes.However, AI also fails in compared to mortal beings.

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03 August 2024

UAE announces two-month grace period for resident visa violators

Residence visa violators will be granted a two-month opportunity to have their fines waived, the UAE authorities confirmed on Thursday.

The grace period, which begins on September 1, will exempt violations from any monetary penalties under the Federal Law on the Entry and Residency of Foreigners.

The Authority will take all necessary steps to carry out this strategy, including suspending fines and legal penalties, allowing violators to either change their status or leave the country easily.

In an announcement, the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security (ICP) mentioned the decision intends to offer violators a new opportunity to reclaim their status in line with the law, as a gesture that symbolizes the principles of understanding and acceptance on which the United Arab Emirates is built.

Resident visa rules:

The length of stay of residence permits in the UAE varies depending on the kind and sponsor. Sponsored visas can be valid for either one or two years, while self-sponsored visas can be valid for up to ten years. Those who fail to leave the country or renew their visas before they expire will face fines. These punishments became uniform in 2023. Residents, tourists, and visit visa holders who overstay now pay the amount of Dh50 per day rather than Dh100. Expats who want to renew their visa have a grace period of not less than six months after their resident visa is canceled or expires.

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02 August 2024

US to use AI technology for enhanced air, missile defence

 The US is set to add AI technology to its Integrated Air and Missile Defense systems to improve aerial threat detection.

The US Army has awarded a $55 million contract to Mississippi-based Camgian Corporation for the development of advanced automation technologies that will augment the IAMD systems.

This contract should help in developing innovative methods that will bring enhancement in sensor survivability while at the same time lowering the cognitive overload for soldiers. 

Camgian is to use its Reactor kill chain automation platform, machine learning, and software engineering expertise under this contract.

The goal will be to field new automated capabilities that hugely improve the lethality of US Army air and missile defense systems against rapidly evolving aerial threats.

These include resilient sensor and effector networks in contested environments and automated critical decision-making processes to increase the speed and accuracy of threat engagement.

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01 August 2024

WhatsApp tests file sharing without internet feature

It has been reported that WhatsApp, the messaging app owned by Meta, is working on a feature that will let users share data with other nearby cellphones, including documents, images, videos, and more, even when there isn't an internet connection.

This feature is similar to the iPhone's AirDrop feature. It was first observed in the April 2024 Android Beta version of WhatsApp.

Now called "nearby share," the functionality that allows file sharing without an internet connection is being tested in the iOS beta. Those without internet connection, especially those who reside in areas with spotty coverage, will find this to be very beneficial.

People no longer have to worry about whether or not the internet is accessible in order to share files with friends, family, or coworkers.

It will work a bit different on iPhones than it will on Android devices

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25 December 2023

Vision Jinnah had for Pakistan

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on the 25th of December 1876. This was a  major and fortunate day for the Muslims of the key  because Mr. Jinnah was  fated to come a great leader, known as  Quaid-e-Azam, who would forefront the movement to  produce Pakistan, a Muslim state grounded on the  two - nation  proposition, out of India, where the Muslims were  an  oppressively  bedeviled ethnic group. As a result, on August 14, 1947, Pakistan came a nation and  Quaid-e-Azam is regarded as its author.  

Still, Pakistan wasn't fortunate enough to  profit from the  Quaid-e-Azam's leadership for  veritably long since, having been gravely ill for some time, he passed away on the 11th of September 1948, marking the end of his life. 

 Considering that his time may not be extended,  Quaid-e-Azam participated his ideas on how Pakistan may come a great state in a series of speeches he gave while serving as  Governor - General of Pakistan from August 14, 1947, to September 11, 1948, at a number of different venues. 

In his ideal Pakistan, everyone would be free to exercise their religion as they see fit , and the government would not infringe upon their right to do so. Whether a person is a Muslim or a member of a  nonage, they're all equals in terms of the law. Unfortunately,  however, we still have a long way to go before we grant our  nonages the rights they earn. We continue to see forced  transformations, attacks on their places of  deification, and treatment of them like  alternate - class citizens. This wasn't Jinnah's Pakistan, and it isn't the genuine core of Islam.  

Jinnah also asked  Pakistan free of corruption and bribery. We've been  unfit to  fully  exclude this  trouble since its  commencement. Jinnah saw that Pakistan and corruption were  inharmonious. We're still  unfit to  legislate tough rules against it, and perpetrators are readily released from court because the government is  unfit to  descry the  white - collar crimes they committed, demonstrating our weak  probing system.   

Likewise, Jinnah intended the State Bank to develop  a  profitable structure that's compatible with Islamic social and   profitable life, but we're still a long way from reaching this  thing. Pakistan's frugality is still guided by the Western  profitable system, and we've failed to evolve our   profitable structure to reflect Islamic ideals.  Likewise,  with the exception of the Ayub Khan times in the 1960s, Pakistan's frugality has been  misruled. 

 Eventually, we're still a long way from achieving Jinnah's vision of Pakistan. As a nation, we need to work hard to  negotiate the  Quaid's  pretensions and set aside our differences for the betterment and development of our dear Motherland.

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